Next-gen Cross-chain Lending Protocol

Powered by the most secured Chainlink's CCIP

Built on Top of the most trusted technologies in Blockchain Industry


Powered by Chainlink

The world’s most secured and decentralized network of nodes operators

Features & Services

Chainlink offers wide range of services for a DeFi Protocol

Security & Scalabiliy

Chainlink is the most trusted oracle network and infrastructure in Blockchain industry with more than $25b in TVL

Decentralized & Permissionless

We choose Chainlink for its decentralization and permissionless properties. Chainlink is the perfect infrastructure for us to trust and build our product on, bringing the best experience to users.


What is BuckyFinance?

Enable Cross-chain Money Market with our architecture and AI Credit System

Cross-chain Architecture

AI Credit System


Cross-chain Borrow and Lend

In the DeFi World, it is hard to find a solution to utilize liquidity cross-chain that is secure and trustable. With Chainlink's technologies and our innovative protocol design, we aim to solve this problem

Get in touch

Make the first big step into the new DeFi era with BuckyFinance.

A premier cross-chain lending protocol leveraging Chainlink's technologies for secure, efficient, and scalable DeFi solutions


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